Dear Friends,
The 2023-2024 school term is officially over.  The students of Starfish Ministries’ elementary and high schools are among the few in Haiti that have successfully completed this school year.  Our students have been able to take the official exams of the educational departments of Haiti and with good results.  We are grateful for our teachers, administrators and education supervisors who have faithfully served the students.  Preparations are now proceeding for registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
Over the past several weeks, the local gang members and bandits have come to our Medical Clinic in Tricotte almost every day.  About 12 of them come together on motorcycles and are armed with weapons.  Generally, one or two of them have some medical need and are cared for by our medical staff and the rest of the gang stands guard.  A couple of weeks ago, the leader of this gang had a toothache, so they came for him to be treated by Dr. Joel, our dentist.  He had two handguns and while being treated, he laid one on each side of dental chair.  He also had a guard with a rifle in the room as Dr. Joel did his work.  This gang leader asked Dr. Joel if the dental equipment was portable enough to move to another location.  It would seem that the gang had in mind to move the dental practice to another location.
As a result of this and many other concerns for the safety of our medical staff, the decision was made to temporarily shut down the clinic.  Hopefully, the situation will improve soon so we can again serve the Tricotte area with this much needed ministry.  Please pray for wisdom for Daniel and his leadership staff as they consider such difficult decisions.  And that the country would again become safe so what used to be normal activities could again be carried out.
One of the last times I was in Tricotte, Daniel and I were sitting under a mango tree on Daniel’s property, and I was marveling about the transformation of this land.  When Daniel purchased these four acres of land it was dry and desolate. It was on a hillside with very little vegetation except for brush and weeds.  But Daniel saw something different; he envisioned what it could be. 
With a lot of sweat and hard work, Daniel began the process of turning this land into a model of what can be.  With his machete, hoe, and shovel he went to work.  In order to stop the erosion, Daniel worked at terracing the hillside.  What could be composted, he gathered to enhance the soil.  And then he planted.  Mango trees, papaya trees, bananas, avocados, and so many vegetables.  That day about six years ago, the hillside was green with new vegetation from Daniel’s hard work.  There wasn’t much fruit yet, but it would come.  A couple of days ago I asked Daniel about his lush garden, and he reported that he was harvesting fruit and vegetables almost every month of the year.
About that same time, approximately six years ago, Daniel told me about two young brothers in Tricotte, William and Huberson.  Their father, Alphonse, came to Daniel with concerns about the direction his boys were heading.  He came asking for advice and help if possible.  Daniel met with the brothers and challenged them to make life changes.  They recognized their need and Daniel laid out a path for them.  “If you are serious, I am willing to work with you and guide you on a different path,” Daniel said.  They were and for the next several years, Daniel met with them regularly.
William and Huberson have since completed high school and are productive members of the Tricotte community.  But most importantly, they are following Jesus on their spiritual journey.
Just as Daniel saw the potential of a barren piece of land and worked to see it become a fertile, fruitful land, Daniel saw the potential in a couple of young wayward sons of the village.  And as I talked to Daniel this past week, he told me about William and Huberson.  They are always at his side when there is a need.  They are fruit of Daniel’s ministry.
Thank you for your partnership with us as we navigate so many aspects of life as we serve God in Haiti.  God has given us the privilege to serve the people of the Tricotte area of Haiti from birth to the very oldest of the population.  Babies were born safely in the medical clinic, and healthcare has been provided for people of all ages. Hopefully that will continue soon.  60 children, ages four through 17 are cared for in the orphanage.  Many more children from preschool all the way through trade school and university are educated and fed through the school ministry. Children and adults alike are fed through the coffee and food program at the churches each Sunday morning.  Many of the poorest families in the region have received help through Food Relief. The elderly and handicapped ministry meets needs for 86 previously-forgotten people.  We are able to hold up our Haitian brothers and sisters in prayer as they go through various trials.  And through every means possible, we present the gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting in Him to meet their greatest need.  William and Huberson are results of those efforts.
Thank you so much for your prayers and faithful support!
Serving the Lord together,
Bernie, Sheryl & Philip Bovenkamp



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