Dear Friends,
Recent headlines from CNN said, “American missionary couple killed by gang in Haiti.”  On May 23, Davy and Natalie Lloyd were attacked by gangs as they were coming out of a youth meeting at their church.  The couple was serving with Missions in Haiti, Inc on compound in one of the worst areas near Port-au-Prince.  Davy, age 23 and Natalie, age 21 were married in 2022.  They left the states at the beginning of this year to serve as fulltime missionaries in Haiti.
This is a devasting tragedy for the families – please pray for them. 
As Haiti is more and more controlled by gangs throughout the country, this tragedy reminds us that most Haitians live with this every day.  Gangs steal, rape, kill and take over houses every day.  Over the past few months over 300,000 Haitians have been forced from their homes and are now homeless and without anything.  Many of them struggle to find something to eat each day.  In our remote area of Tricotte we do not experience this to the degree most Haitians do.  However, food has been a struggle recently as moving containers from PAP to Tricotte has been unwise due to the insecurity of gang-controlled highways.
Lucner Hilaire is our expert in handling the food that we receive from FMSC (Feed My Starving Children).  For several years we have received a 40’ container of Manna Rice every month.  Toward the end of 2023 it became very difficult for us to safely move the containers to Tricotte.  Then for a short time, FMSC could not process the containers at the Haiti customs.  But starting in February they again were able to ship but we were unable to receive them.  FFP (Food for the Poor) in Haiti, who has processed the customs paperwork for us, has thankfully been willing to store the containers for us.
On May 20, Lucner received a notification from FFP that they had just received another container for us AND they didn’t have space to hold the containers any longer.  They now had four in their warehouse from February, March, April and now May.  Daniel and Lucner agreed that it would not be safe to try to transport the containers to Tricotte.  Gangs nearby made the risk too high.  So, after praying and much consideration, we decided to rent a warehouse in a town a little over an hour from Tricotte.  That happened quickly and on Wednesday, May 29, Lucner had two trucks pick up two containers.  It took them several hours more than usual to get to the warehouse, but they arrived late Thursday.  Daniel had several men from Tricotte at the warehouse, they unloaded them on Friday morning with Lucner’s supervision and by noon were on their way back to PAP.  Lucner and the truck drivers are monitoring the situation and hope to move the other two containers on Monday, June 3.
We really appreciate your prayers for Daniel, Lucner and all the Starfish Ministries staff in Haiti as they wrestle with these difficult decisions.  Even though the rented warehouse is in a secure and guarded area, we know there are always risks with so much insecurity in the country.  And as much as we need the food in Tricotte area in schools and other ministry areas, our leadership needs to be careful as they decide when to move some of the food in smaller vehicles to Tricotte so please pray for wisdom.  
God has given us the privilege to serve the people of the Tricotte area of Haiti from birth to the very oldest of the population.  Babies are born safely in the medical clinic, and healthcare is provided for people of all ages.  60 children, ages four through 17 are cared for in the orphanage.  Many more children from preschool all the way through trade school and university are educated and fed through the school ministry. Children and adults alike are fed through the coffee and food program at the churches each Sunday morning.  Many of the poorest families in the region have received help through Food Relief. The elderly and handicapped ministry meets needs for 86 previously-forgotten people.  And through every means possible, we present the gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting in Him to meet their greatest need.
Your partnership with us helps to make all this possible.  Many of you send undesignated gifts and ask us to use the funds where they are most needed.  Right now, that is toward Food Relief which helps to cover the expenses connected to moving the containers, renting the warehouse, and safely transporting the food to Tricotte.  Thank you so very much for your generous support!
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! 
Serving the Lord together,
Bernie, Sheryl & Philip Bovenkamp



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