May 2024
Dear Friends,
I try to connect with Daniel each month as many times as possible to discuss the challenges of ministering in Haiti during such difficult times.  Daniel is on the front lines of leading our staff and training them in how to serve when there are so many obstacles that seem insurmountable.  There are times when Daniel gets discouraged, but most of the time he sees the challenges as an opportunity for growth in his life and in the lives of those he leads.  My goal as we share together is to encourage Daniel and to be a listening ear for him to vent frustrations as needed.  We often remind each other of the Apostle Paul and his words to the Philippians in chapter three, verse 12b, “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”  So, we encourage each other to keep pressing on, knowing that God is faithful, and He took hold of us to serve in Haiti for His eternal purposes. 
One of the areas of ministry that is becoming more of a challenge is accessing medicines for the Medical Clinic in Tricotte.  Our primary supplier of pharmaceutical supplies was a wholesale pharmacy in Port-au-Prince.  However, the bandit gangs first robbed them of much of the medicine and then burnt their warehouse to the ground.  Our secondary suppliers were smaller pharmacy businesses in St. Marc and Cap Haitian.  But their supplies have been diminishing and they don’t have the sources currently to restock.  Our clinic had a good inventory of supplies, but they are now dwindling as well.  Unless things change soon, we will be out of medicines to help treat the patients.  Here is a recent report from the Tricotte Clinic’s administration.
Here at our Medical Clinic in Tricotte, we are determined to treat all sick people in the Tricotte area. On April 2, 2024, six-year-old Woodnaëlleca Joseph’s mother brought her to the clinic.  Woodnaëlleca had a severe burn on her stomach. It happened after her mom had finished cooking a meal and brought the hot pan inside the house for the family to eat. Woodnaëlleca approached her mom to get food, but unfortunately she fell onto the hot pan and was badly burned. She was in a great deal of pain when they brought her to the clinic. The doctors and the nurses worked quickly to alleviate her pain and treat the burn.  She is healing now, but she must come to the clinic every three days to continue with the treatment. Her mom testifies how good it is to have clinic so close. She is from Vermeil, about a 45-minute walk from Tricotte.
As you know, things are challenging in Haiti right now, and the clinic is running low on medicines. We used to buy medicines in Port-au-Prince, and more recently in Cap Haitian or in Saint-Marc. But most of the pharmacy warehouses have been burned. And because of security issues, it is dangerous go to the remaining small pharmacies.
The bandits have made life difficult for Haitians. Please pray for better conditions in Haiti. Haitian people suffer many things, and it gets harder and harder to continue. But we believe that through our prayers and yours that God is going to do something. Thank you again for all the contributions you have made to the clinic through Starfish Ministries. God uses them to continue to serve Tricotte and the neighboring areas. May God continue to be with of all you and bless you abundantly! We love you.
The clinic administration.
God has given us the privilege to serve Woodnaëlleca and the people of the Tricotte area of Haiti from birth to the very oldest of the population.  Babies are born safely in the medical clinic, and healthcare is provided for people of all ages.  60 children, ages four through 17 are cared for in the orphanage.  Many more children from preschool all the way through trade school and university are educated and fed through the school ministry. Children and adults alike are fed through the coffee and food program at the churches each Sunday morning.  Many of the poorest families in the region have received help through food relief. The elderly and handicapped ministry meets needs for 86 previously-forgotten people.  And through every means possible, we present the gospel of Jesus Christ, trusting in Him to meet their greatest need.
Your partnership with us helps to make this all possible.  Thank you so much for your prayers and financial contributions.  I Thess. 5:24, “Faithful is He who has called you and He also will bring it to pass.”  God is faithfully using each one of you along with our partners in Haiti to make a difference in the lives of some of the most needy in the world.  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!!
Serving the Lord together,
Bernie, Sheryl & Philip Bovenkamp



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