Dear Friends,

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.  Psalm 95:2

Thanksgiving 2015 is almost here and we have so much to be thankful for – God continues to faithfully provide all that is needed to accomplish His purposes in Haiti. He is using you to help make that happen, so we thank God for your partnering with us through your prayers and finances.

An area we are seeing positive change in the Tricotte village is in self-sufficiency. For the last several years we have encouraged the people in that direction with education and help with Micro Loans for starting small businesses and we are now seeing good results. In the past the people would often come and ask for “welfare” help for food or tuition for their school children or other needs.  That is no longer the case – now they come asking for jobs or help to start a business or counsel on how they may be able to help themselves. They are seeing the possibilities and benefit of being able to support themselves.

Nelsius is about 50 years old and lives in Tricotte. He and his wife have six children and he didn’t know how he was going to pay for their school education this year. In the past his wife has been able to help but is now unable to work due to some medical issues. Nelsius came to Daniel to see if any work was available.

We have started construction on a community center in Tricotte and there is a lot of excavation needed before we can start the foundation. Having no equipment available to move the 800 cubic yards of soil, we do it all the only way possible – man power with picks, shovels and wheelbarrows. For the past three weeks Daniel has asked for volunteers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and has had as many as 100 men, women and children volunteer. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday we pay the workers.

Nelsius was there volunteering with two of his sons by his side so when Thursday came he was chosen for a paying job. Nelsius became a proud father as he made his first tuition payment for the school year with money he had worked hard for and was also able to buy some food for his family. We have been able to hire as many as 35 workers each week. Thank you for your support that helps make this possible and truly is making a difference in many families lives.

We have put together a Christmas list of things that you can give to if you desire. We really appreciate your faithful support throughout the year and thank God for you. You can find the Christmas list here.

Serving the Lord together,

Bernie, Sheryl and Philip Bovenkamp



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